Marine Protected Areas Video Resources
Youth4MPAs Conversations4Change - Communities & MPAs, Recordings
SAAMBR Webinar - World Ocean Day 2021
Marine Protected Areas Literature Resources
Quieting the Oceans: Innovative Technologies to Reduce Underwater Noise Pollution in South Africa
Types of Marine Protected Areas in South Africa
Eco Hacks: Small Changes, Big Impact!
Guardians of the Deep
The Whale Effect
Guarding the Ocean's Bounty
Seismic Testing and Oil and Gas Exploration in SA
Endangered Species in MPAs
Uthukela MPA Climate Change Impact
Jewels of the South African seas
Safeguarding African Penguins through Marine Protected Areas
Panorama Solutions: examples of inspiring real-life solutions linked to conservation & sustainable development topics. The solutions listed below focus on Marine Conservation.
Strategic Adaptive Management of MPAs - towards inclusive and evidence-based MPA management
Critical stakeholder engagement: fostering community stewardship for the safeguarding of the natural and cultural heritage of Victoria Falls/Mosi-Oa-Tunya
Community Marine Conservation. The start of the Locally Managed Marine Area movement in Kenya in response to the decline of fish in Kuruwitu, on the North Kenya coast
MIHARI, the first national LMMAs network in the Western Indian Ocean
Seychelles' first debt-for-nature swap for ocean conservation
Ensuring marine protection through Locally Managed Marine Area at Vamizi island in Mozambique